AtemisCloud Business Suite
List of the 540 features
The chart showing Series 1 series.

Branch: 1.CRM Feature: Tokens Analysis AtemisCloud | 1.CRM | Tokens Analysis
Description:This features analyses all tokens created within the CRM for the entities (companies, contacts, individuals, projects,...) (See the tokens feature) It allows to sort the tokens by importance and then show the companies tagged with the selected tokens. Click on several tokens to get the list of companies which got all these tokens. You can then create a new target segment with the dedicated features. (See Target segment)

Branch: 2.Marketing Feature: SEO Keywords AtemisCloud | 2.Marketing | SEO Keywords
Description:This feature parses Google for the words selected, collects the list of the 10 first websites and grabs all meta content and titles for each website. This analysis allows you to see the keywords of your competitors, select the right keywords to improve your Google ranking.

Branch: 1.CRM Feature: Opportunities stages AtemisCloud | 1.CRM | Opportunities stages
Description:This must-have CRM feature is a Kanban opportunities' list split by stage. You see only the opportunities that you manage or your team manage. Drag and drop each opportunity to change its current stage. Drag an opportunity to the Lost or Won button to change its status accordingly. The opportunity will then disappear from the main list. The total opportunities value for each stage is displayed on the top of the column.

Branch: 2.Marketing Feature: Business Cards AtemisCloud | 2.Marketing | Business Cards
Description:This feature allows you to design, bind and export business cards for your company. The export can be in different formats. You can then share the file to your printer company. Other similar reports can be used for products catalogs, financial reporting and more.

Branch: 3.Administration Feature: Book of procedures AtemisCloud | 3.Administration | Book of procedures
Description:This feature allows you to gather all procedures stored into a single report, access to all pages and create a list of content. This document can be saved as PDF file and shared to all your employees.

Branch: 4.Project Feature: Kanban (Task Management) AtemisCloud | 4.Project | Kanban (Task Management)
Description:This feature allows you to manage and organize your tasks with ease. The task you put inside the calendar or someone gave you will be added inside the kanban. From there you are free to create more box co contain your task (ex: important, next week task, etc.) and you can move your task from box to box using the drag and drop feature. If 1 kanban is not enough for you to manage your task, you can also create multiple kanbans to be able to sort out your task more effectively.

Branch: 1.CRM Feature: CRM | Messaging | FB Messenger AtemisCloud | 1.CRM | CRM | Messaging | FB Messenger
Description:This is an integrated FB Messenger client which allows you to communicate directly with your FB leads without using Facebook. Several options are available to integrate it fully with your CRM such as add the unknown contact to your CRM, add the messages to the CRM reports, send CRM template messages and documents from this App, and connect the messenger to our AI chatbot.

Branch: 4.Project Feature: Reports | Employees PNL AtemisCloud | 4.Project | Reports | Employees PNL
Description:The "Employees Profit and Lost" feature gives you a view of the profit and loss that an employee made by each project and company. It shows you the Total Hour, Sum Hour, Revenue which is the amount of money that person made base on the budget of the project, Cost which is the number of hours that person work multiply by his hourly rate, and Efficiency which is the Revenue divided by Cost. From this page you will be able to know which employee is working well and bring the most revenue and which is not.

Branch: 4.Project Feature: Projects | Reports | Employees Reports Costs AtemisCloud | 4.Project | Projects | Reports | Employees Reports Costs
Description:This feature shows you a report table oriented more on the employee perspective and focusing on the cost of that employee for each client and each project. You can easily view the list of companies, projects, and tasks for which that employee has worked, the number of hours spent and the cost which is the worked hours multiply by the hourly rate each month alongside the grand total hours spent and cost.

Branch: 4.Project Feature: Projects | Reports | Employees Hours AtemisCloud | 4.Project | Projects | Reports | Employees Hours
Description:This feature shows you a report table oriented more on the employee perspective. You can easily view the list of companies and projects for which that employee has worked and the number of hours spent each month alongside the grand total of hours spent.
