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AtemisCloud celebrates its 25th birthday! X

AtemisCloud: The Knight of the Clouds is 25 Years old In the fast-paced world of technology, where companies appear and disappear like shooting stars, AtemisCloud has thrived silently, with kindness and perseverance like a knight of the clouds which today celebrates its 25th anniversary. For the business community and investors, this silver jubilee is more than just a milestone; it is a testament to resilience, innovation and unwavering dedication to customers.

A Journey of Initiation, Innovation and Evolution

AtemisCloud's journey began in 1998, at the emergence of internet technologies, with a pioneering development team in Poland, then expanding to Ukraine until 2013, and Vietnam. Over the course of two and a half decades, AtemisCloud has established 11 offices around the world to serve the needs of its international clientele. The creation of the company was a courageous step, just after that of Google and preceding those of giants such as Salesforce and NetLedger (now Netsuite, under the wing of Oracle). It may seem audacious, AtemisCloud embarked on this initiatory journey as a software publisher starting from a vision and a blank page. All codes for all features were developed by the AtemisCloud teams.

Global Experience, Local Expertise

AtemisCloud's journey has been a global odyssey, much like the adventures of Odysseus. Over those twenty-five years, the company encountered countless competitors who succumbed to the changing tides of the technology industry. Surviving and thriving in such a volatile environment requires more than innovation – it requires a deep understanding of human values. This trip taught AtemisCloud a fundamental truth: success relies on People and their positive energies. The company has made sound decisions, eliminating bad actors, deadbeats, and those who compromise the integrity of the organization. What remained were customers, suppliers and a dedicated team, united by a shared passion for their work.

More than Numbers

Unlike many tech companies focused solely on hardware and numbers, AtemisCloud's values are rooted in wisdom, hard work, and kindness. The Knight of the Clouds pursues objectives of creating and sharing added value, far from egos, profit maximization or a bloated workforce. Instead, the focus is on true partnerships with customers where employees are deeply engaged. The goal is the happiness of customers and teams. Working with heart, AtemisCloud considers the success of its customers as its own, striving to get their smiles and recommendations. Growth is fueled by a tireless commitment to delivering value and creating a thriving community that goes far beyond financial transactions.

The Quest Continues

AtemisCloud's journey has been marked by perseverance, innovation and an unwavering commitment to its principles. As he enters his 25th year, the Knight of Clouds stands as a testimony of success, as a light to guide those who value wisdom, work and improvement in this ever-changing world.

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